TV Channel 6 interviewed Matthew Zheng

作者: admin

On May 21, Grace at TV Channel 6 interviewed Matthew Zheng who won the Spelling Bee Champion and is joining the National Spelling Bee Competition in Washington D.C 5/27-6/2.
Matthew’s parents told that, “It is such great experience for him to meet Grace and other staff from Channel 6 in person. They were so nice to him and wished him the very successful at the National Spelling Bee Competition. It is great honor for Matthew to represents the students of Indiana to National Bee. It also will be so much fun to meet 278 spellers from all over U.S and world. One speller is from Shanghai.”Matthew Zheng (13 years old, 8th grader from Clay Middle School) will bring all the best wishes from the people in Indiana with him to Washington D.C. He has received several wish cards from friends and former Spelling Bowl teacher Mrs. Linda McHugh in Prairie Trace Elementary School. Matthew is deeply moved by the love from his teachers, students and friends. He is looking forward to attending this memoriable event.

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