
作者: admin

车是美国人的腿,尤其是在公共交通并不算便利的印州。很多华人虽然有娴熟的驾车技术,但因为英语不过关而拿不到驾照。不过BMV却提供西班牙语和日语考试。两年前,我们就此事面见驾照考试主管人员,向他们陈述“没有腿”的苦衷和无奈,并强烈要求改变对华人的这种“不公平待遇”。近日,本报再次就此事联系BMV主管人员。Stephen M. Leak回复本报称,BMV已同意并着手准备提供中文驾照考试,但最早可能在明年施行。
Dear Ms. Lee;
Thank you for contacting the BMV regarding the possibility of offering a driver’s test in the Chinese language. The BMV has been working diligently over the years to develop a pilot translation project, as we have previously mentioned. At this time, however, we are not able to roll out our pilot program until next year at the earliest. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I can assure you this is a matter that the BMV takes very seriously and we want to be able reach out to all customers in the most effective way possible.
Please feel free to contact me in the future regarding our progress on the status of the project.
Stephen M. Leak
Executive Director Credential Programs
317-234-5305 sleak@bmv.in.gov

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