(English) 2012 Science and Math Summer Camps

作者: Admin

2012 Science and Math Summer Camps
The Nina Mason Pulliam EcoLab at Marian University presents Science and Math Summer Camps for grades K – 8 the weeks of June 18 and June 25. Each camp includes classroom and lab activities, field trips and lots of hands-on experiences. Camp activities
are aligned with the Indiana Academic Standards. The camp theme is the environment
and subject areas will include biology, chemistry, math, physics and lots more. Campers can attend one or both weeks as each week will be different. The registration fee is $160 per week and special discounts can apply. Camp hours are 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. with optional aftercare until 5:30 p.m. for an additional $25 per week. For more information or to register, contact jhslaughter@marian.edu, 317-524-7701, or visit our website – www.marian.edu/EcoLab.

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