
作者: admin2

Donnelly Joe

Donnelly Joe

Why are you running for the congress?为什么要竞选国会议员?


Hoosiers deserve someone who’s going to put them first in the Senate every single time – not any political party or politician. I’ve traveled to every corner of the state as Indiana’s senator, visiting every single county each of the last four years to listen to Hoosiers’ concerns. I took those concerns and delivered results for them in Washington, protecting Indiana’s access to affordable health care, cutting red tape to give terminally ill Hoosiers the right to try potentially life-saving treatments, and delivering more funding and updating prescribing practices to address the scourge of opioid abuse. But we still have much farther to go. By continuing to work hard and reach across the aisle, I know I can build on the results we’ve delivered for our state.


What is your campaign platform?你的竞选纲领是什么?


Over the last six years, I’ve been Indiana’s hired help in the Senate, and I work for the people of Indiana, not any politician or political party. The Lugar Center named me the most bipartisan senator of the last 25 years still serving in office, and by working with members of both parties, I’ve managed to get things done for Hoosiers. 46 of my legislative proposals have been signed into law since 2013, including 24 during the Trump Administration. I’ll work with President Trump when his policies are good for Indiana, like when we worked together to pass my Right to Try legislation that cut red tape to allow terminally ill Americans to access potentially lifesaving new treatments. When the President’s policies would harm Hoosiers, however, like when his administration joined a lawsuit to take away health care for 1.1 million people in Indiana under 65 with pre-existing conditions, I’ve stood up to him and tried to find a better way.


What would be your first priority if elected?如果你成功获选,你第一步要做什么?



I’ve spent my time on the campaign trail traveling to every corner of the state to listen to Hoosiers, and what I’ve heard is that voters want me to protect access to affordable health care for all Hoosiers, and especially for the 1.1 million Hoosiers under the age of 65 with a pre-existing condition. Efforts to sabotage the nation’s health care system over the past two years will raise health care costs for Americans by more than a third in the coming year. Other recent attempts to dismantle the health care system legislatively would raise costs for the average Hoosier by $1,000 annually or take away health care protections for the 1.1 million Hoosiers under 65 with pre-existing conditions. Our system isn’t perfect, but I’m working with members of both parties to keep costs down and improve the system, not dismantle it.


What do you want to accomplish in office?你希望实现哪些业绩?


My single goal during my time in office has been to make sure that Hoosier lives are improving day by day. One of my primary goals as Indiana’s senator has been to make sure that every single Hoosier has access to affordable health insurance. I’ve been proud to stand up for Hoosiers in the Senate, working with then-Governor Pence to establish HIP 2.0, and working with members of both parties to bring down health care costs and make sure students can stay on their parents’ health care plans until they’re 26. I’ve also stood up to partisan attempts to dismantle the system, voting against legislation that would have raised costs for the average Hoosier by $1,000, gutting Medicaid and HIP 2.0, and eradicating coverage protections for 1.1 million Hoosiers with pre-existing conditions like asthma, diabetes, or a history of cancer.


Lawmakers have worked on immigration reforms for many years but are unable to reach an agreement. Comprehensive bills failed by the party line. Do you think legislators should focus on piecemeal, i.e., smaller bills that address part of the immigration debate? What do you think are priorities of the immigration reform that legislators should consider first?


2013年,我与参议员约翰麦凯恩和两党成员一起制定了一项全面的移民改革法案,该法案得到两党多数支持通过了参议院。 我一直支持强大、安全的边界,我支持这项法案,因为它为增加2万名新的边境巡逻人员和耗资32亿美元的高科技监控设备提供资金,并要求完成700英里的边境围栏,同时也为无证青年提供了前进的道路。

Progress on our broken immigration system will only come when both parties work together. In 2013, I worked with Senator John McCain and members of both parties to enact a comprehensive immigration reform bill that passed out of the Senate with a strong bipartisan majority. I’ve been a consistent supporter of strong, secure borders, and I supported this bill because it provided funding for 20,000 new border patrol agents, $3.2 billion in high-tech surveillance equipment, and a requirement to complete 700 miles of border fencing, while also providing a path forward for undocumented youth. This year, I was part of a bipartisan group of senators who put together a proposal supported by a majority of senators that would have increased funding for border security and the wall but also would have created a path forward for DACA youth who have known no country but America.


A lawsuit with affirmative action at its center accused Harvard of intentionally discriminating against Asian-American applicants. A following analysis found Harvard consistently rated Asian-Americans lower on personal traits which dragged down the chance of being admitted despite Asian-American’s high test scores. What concerns do you have, if any, on the admission process and practice by elite colleges such as Harvard? The lawsuit came at a time when schools at all levels across the nation are embracing the idea of equity in education. Which do you think is more important, preserving affirmative action to ensure diverse campuses or using race-blind admissions so no racial groups will experience bias?


我一直认为,平等获得优质教育是美国梦的基础,也是发展21世纪经济竞争所必需技能的关键。 作为您的参议员,我将继续与两党同事合作,确保美国大学的招生政策公平,并反映他们所服务的学生的最佳利益。

I have always believed that equal access to a quality education is the foundation of the American dream and critical to the development of the skills necessary to compete in the 21st century economy. As your senator, I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure that admissions policies at American colleges and universities are fair and reflect the best interests of the students they serve.


We have seen an increasing number of mass shootings in recent years. Do you think we

need more stringent gun control measures? If so, what specifically? What’s realistic to





I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, and I’ll always protect the rights of law-abiding citizens to own a firearm for sport or to protect themselves and their loved ones. But with rights come responsibilities, and I also believe that support for the Second Amendment and support for commonsense public safety issues that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill aren’t mutually exclusive. Public safety issues like expanding background checks, banning bump stocks, “no fly, no buy,” and a national version of the red flag law that we have right here in Indiana are commonsense solutions supported by mainstream Hoosiers that would go a long way toward increasing public safety.


Many US businesses including some in Indiana are affected by the recent trade war. What is your assessment of the current state of the US economy? How can the US economy maintain momentum in the midst of a trade war?您对目前中美贸易战的看法,以及您认为在这场贸易战中美国该如何保持势头?

我认同中国有欺骗并需要改变其行为的观点 。虽然我们的农民和工人在扩大的贸易战中受到损害,但我支持对中国这样糟糕的行为进行打击,但要避免使美国利益遭受损失的做法。

Indiana’s farmers and our agriculture industry are struggling with the impact the recent tariffs have caused, especially on pork, corn, and soybean prices. We all agree that China cheats and needs to change its behavior. That’s why I’ve long supported measured and precise action to protect the steel and aluminum industries and prevent intellectual property theft. However, our farmers and manufacturers have become collateral damage in a larger fight. I’d like to see the administration crack down on bad actors like China in a targeted way and avoid a blanket approach that hurts American interests at the same time. That’s how we best ensure Hoosiers—including our manufacturers, steelworkers, and our pork producers, corn and soybean growers, and all of our farmers—can continue to sell quality products fairly in markets all over the world.


Opioid overdose is a national health crisis. What measures will you take/suggest to

combat the epidemic?阿片类药物过量使用危害全美健康,对此事情您有什么对策?


The opioid epidemic is a public health crisis that is ravaging our communities and taking far too many of our friends, family, and neighbors from us. I’ve introduced a number of bipartisan proposals to address the opioid crisis that have been signed into law. Efforts I introduced with my colleague Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) to improve prescribing practices and expand access to Naloxone, which is used to respond to overdoses were included in the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act, which was signed into law in 2016. I have also secured tens of millions of dollars for Indiana for more resources to combat the opioid epidemic and to ensure that we have the personnel we need for prevention. We must keep working until all our communities have the resources and tools they need for appropriate prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts.


45 states have passed bias crime (“hate crime’) laws to promote an inclusive culture. Can you comment on Indiana’s lack of hate crime bills?




Bigotry or hatred have no place in Indiana. I hope the Indiana General Assembly will work to pass hate crimes legislation, because I believe that our state should be welcoming and inclusive, where all people want to come raise their families, start or grow their businesses, and retire in dignity.


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