民主党众议员候选人Dee Thornton回答华人社区提问

作者: admin2

Dee Thornton

Why are you running for Congress? 什么要竞选国会议员


I am running for congress to truly represent the people of Indiana’s 5th District. We have too many representatives that are looking out for a few and not all of us.



What is your campaign platform? 你的竞选纲领是什么?


Focus on reducing the rising national debt      降低激增的国债。

Provide Affordable Quality Healthcare for all 为所有人提供可支付的、高质量的医疗保险。

Protect and Strengthen Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid 确保并加强社保、老年人健康保险和医疗补助

Fully Fund Public Education为公共教育提供其所需的资金

Protect our Environment保护我们的环境



  • What would be your first priority if elected? 如果你成功获选,你第一步要做什么?


Campaign Finance Reform 开展金融改革

Voting Rights   选举权

Ethics in Government 政府的道德规范


What do you want to accomplish in office? 你希望实现哪些业绩?


Be a part of the new legislators that will ensure the checks and balances that our founder fathers envisioned will truly transform our government to work for the people and not special interest to make life better for everyone.



For US Senate and Representative

  • Lawmakers have worked on immigration reforms for many years but are unable to reach an agreement. Comprehensive bills failed by the party line. Do you think legislators should focus on piecemeals, i.e., smaller bills that address part of the immigration debate? What do you think are priorities of the immigration reform that legislators should consider first?




The Senate brought forth a bipartisan bill to address immigration and I think it’s worth revisiting. We must offer illegals in the US a chance to earn citizenship. We must reduce the flow of undocumented immigrants through a new visa program. We must invest in border security to include surveillance with technology (drones). Federal agents and security fencing and drive legal entry to our ports of entry.




  • A lawsuit with affirmative action at its center accused Harvard of intentionally discriminating against Asian-American applicants. A following analysis found Harvard consistently rated Asian-Americans lower on personal traits which dragged down the chance of being admitted despite Asian-American’s high test scores. What concerns do you have, if any, on the admission process and practice by elite colleges such as Harvard? The lawsuit came at a time when schools at all levels across the nation are embracing the idea of equity in education. Which do you think is more important, preserving affirmative action to ensure diverse campuses or using race-blind admissions so no racial groups will experience bias?




The Trump Administration is on a mission to reverse anything that the Obama Administration did, so it is no surprise that he wants to abandon this policy. To suggest that someone is admitted to a university because of affirmative action and they didn’t qualify or that their race predicts outcomes in classrooms is ridicules. It’s interesting that the lawsuit was not filed by Asians complaining but by a white person who was unsuccessful in winning a suit in Texas involving a white student claiming race-based admissions policies. When the attempt to overturn Affirmation Action in Texas was unsuccessful they had to find a different approach and this time it is using the Asian community as the pawn.



America isn’t ready to be a race-blind society. If people of color didn’t face discrimination at all, I’d be the first to say we don’t need affirmative action. Unfortunately this country isn’t there yet.


Now more than ever, we need race-conscious policies to achieve diversity. If we’re not intentional, diversity won’t happen.


Affirmative action in admissions is still needed in this country and has helped to reverse historical governmental discrimination of diverse populations and to create an even playing field. We know that diversity in schools help low income people as well as the wealthy.


We have seen an increasing number of mass shootings in recent years. Do you think we need more stringent gun control measures? If so, what specifically? What’s realistic to expect? 对于枪支管理政策,您是什么观点?


I support the Second amendment and acknowledge the context in which it was written. I do not think our founding fathers envisioned the technological advances in fire arms and would expect current legislators to use common sense and create policy that demonstrate responsible gun ownership to help preventing mass shootings. We should reinstate the semi-automatic weapon ban, strengthen background checks and licensing requirements, close loopholes and ban bump stocks.

我支持原第二修正案。我们的国父们可能没有预见到枪支在科学技术上的进展,期望现任立法人用常识来立法,确保理性使用枪支,防止大规模枪击。我们应该立法禁止使用半自动枪支,加强购枪者的背景审查和许可的要求,防止漏洞和Bump stocks。


Many US businesses including some in Indiana are affected by the recent trade war. What is your assessment of the current state of the US economy? How can the US economy maintain momentum during a trade war? 您对目前中美贸易战的看法,以及您认为在这场贸易战中美国该如何保持势头?



It’s unfortunate that US businesses are subject to this self-inflicted trade war by the Trump administration that will start to slow US economic growth. There are seldom winners in a trade war. The biggest losers will be business as they will pay more for intermediate goods used in manufacturing and consumers will see rising prices in homes, appliances, cars and food etc. Employers are already starting to reduce hours and lay off workers and many are looking to move production out of the country. Supply chains and relationships with foreign suppliers that took many years to establish are being threatened and will be hard to rebuild. We must look for WIN/WIN solution to free trade.


  • Opioid overdose is a national health crisis. What measures will you take/suggest to combat the epidemic? 片类药物过量使用危害全美健康,对此事情您有什么对策?



The opioid epidemic is a public help crisis that will affect the country and our communities for years to come. It will take everyone working together to solve this problem. This would include pharma, hospitals, physicians, patients/addicts, families, and treatment centers. I am optimistic by the actions taken by the Department of Health and Human Services to push grant money to the states to help fight this problem. We must have intense focus on treatment and recovery, promotion of the use of overdose-reversing drugs, use better public health surveillance; invest in research for non-additive pain medications and pain management. We must hold big pharma accountability and make sure the physicians are following proper prescribing procedures to help solve the problem. Additionally, we must not only provide the funding but make sure that the states have developed plans and are tracking outcomes and are using those funds responsibly.



  • 45 states have passed bias crime (“hate crime’) laws to promote an inclusive culture. Can you comment on Indiana’s lack of hate crime bills?





Indiana needs to move forward and pass a hate crimes bill in the January session. I am optimistic that we will have a group of legislators that will find courage and make it happen.


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