Poulsen/Purdue Talk Indiana Life Sciences in China

作者: admin

Indianapolis, 12. 12, 2012: Ping Poulsen, President and CEO of Safis Solutions, LLC, recently traveled to China as part of a five person delegation whose mission was stimulating two-way trade and investment between China and Indiana. Over the 13-day trip, and as a guest of Purdue University Global Business Engagement (GBE), Ping spoke to Chinese entities about opportunities specific to Indiana life sciences business.
“The economic growth in China is explosive, and Indiana has so much to offer the Chinese life sciences economy. I was grateful to share our successes in helping U.S. companies get their products into China. There are many Chinese investors that are excited to help U.S. companies launch medical products there. We are confident they will grow their investment in Indiana life science companies.”
The trip was coordinated by the International Technology Transfer Network (ITTN), an agency sponsored by the China Ministry of Science and Technology, and Purdue University Global Business Engagement (GBE). The ITTN acts as a bridge for promoting Chinese innovation in industry, bioscience, technology and agriculture with global partners. The GBE is has a close relationship with the ITTN, and acts in the interest of Indiana specifically. This trip revolved around discussions that hope to create a more formal business relationship between the GBE, Purdue University and Purdue Research Foundation, ETTN, and Chinese business entities.

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