IU to Acquire Nation’s Fastest University-owned Supercomputer

作者: admin

Indiana University has announced that it would replace its Big Red supercomputer with the fastest university-owned supercomputer in the nation. Named Big Red II, the new system will be capable of operating at a peak rate of one petaFLOPS, or one thousand trillion floating-point operations per second — 25 times faster than the original Big Red first acquired in 2006.
The university plans to install the massive new system in its state-of-the-art data center on the Bloomington campus in spring 2013.
There is hardly an area of research these days that does not use the enormous computational power and ability to process huge amounts of data. In the life sciences it is used in areas as diverse as brain modeling, computational genomics, molecular modeling, drug design, bioinformatics and pandemic modeling, while in the physical sciences and engineering they are used to probe the fundamental limits of the universe — from the very small, such as in the search for the Higgs boson and beyond, and at the largest scale, as in understanding the creation of the universe, dark matter and dark energy.
They are used to design planes and cars, and to model climate change, and their effect also is being felt in the social sciences and the humanities. IU researchers use supercomputers in nearly all these fields.
(Source:IU News Room)

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