Asia News

作者: admin

Newly re-elected President Obama will be making a trip through Southeast Asia later this month. According to his press secretary, Jay Carney, he will go to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Bangkok, Thailand, and Yangon, Myanmar between November 17th and 20th. It will be the first visit to Myanmar by a standing U.S. President. In Thailand he will meet with the President and Prime Minister as well as Aung San Suu Kyi. He will attend the East Asia Summit in Cambodia.
On Sunday, a 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck near Shwebo, about 70 miles from Myanmar’s 2nd largest city Mandalay. No significant damage or injuries were reported there, but nearer the epicenter a bridge and mine collapsed and a number of ancient Buddhist structures were damaged. As many as 12 people are dead and over 60 injured.
On Sunday, Sri Lanka’s opposition party labeled the deaths of 27 prison inmates in a riot as a “coldblooded massacre” and demanded an official investigation of the incident. Sri Lankan authorities stated the prisoners were killed in a shootout. The United National Party said that they had information that they were gunned down in cold blood by police commandos and soldiers.
Health experts warn that a dengue fever epidemic in India has reached a level for alarm even though the government hasn’t publicly expressed that level of concern. These experts say that the disease threatens hundreds of millions of people around the world and that India is the epicenter of the disease. It is caused by carrier mosquitoes and is a problem in half of the world’s countries.
Although most victims do not die, the disease is very painful. Over 37 million cases occur in India every year and there are more and more cases reported of tourists returning with the disease.
Laos held the groundbreaking ceremony for its controversial hydroelectric dam on the Mekong River last week. This was in spite of the statement by the Prime Minister that the project had been delayed. Project leaders said that they had received the go ahead for construction.
It is but the first of several dams planned that many fear will harm fish supplies for millions in Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia. Besides supplying power for the surrounding area of Laos, some electricity will be exported to Thailand which could bring billions of dollars in revenue to Laos.

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