Indiana Student Won 2nd Place in the 4th “Happy Chinese” Contest

作者: admin

4 Chinese students from Zionsville Community High School competed at the 4th “Happy Chinese” Contest at Webster University in St. Louis, MO on Saturday 4/21. This is also Mid-West Region qualifying contest to High School “Chinese Bridge” Contest in China in Fall 2012. Nicolas Ceryak (Sophomore), who won 2nd place in language category, took picture with Mrs. Yuan (Chinese Teacher at ZCS) and Mr. Wan (Officer from Consulate General of China in Chicago).
This good news is not only for Zionsville High School, but also for Chinese program in Indiana. I received comment: “Students from Indiana are fantastic!” Nicolas’ speech topic is 有趣的中文字, wrote by himself.
First place in Language Category was given to a play “仓颉造字”by 11 students. There is also the other 2nd place “绕口令”. That student spoke a 5 minutes tongue twister without any mistakes. Amazing!

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