I wrote a letter to President Obama

作者: Admin

Michael Wang

My name is Michael Wang. I am an 8th grade student that attends Kennedy Junior High School in Naperville, Illinois. My parents ran a framing company for many years and while running the company, they discovered an amazing art form in China. The art form is Silk Embroidery. Silk embroidery is needlepoint embroidery of virtually anything made in silk. Each artist must perfect the skills of embroidering and finishing each piece.

When my parents found out about this, they put all of their efforts into bringing this artwork to America and eventually created a gallery with approximately one hundred pieces. When people came in to see the pieces, their reactions were all the same. They were shocked by how outstandingly realistic each and every piece is. With such a reaction to the artwork, my family and I wanted to spread the word about it even further.

At the time, I was 11 years old and I thought about giving a piece to a widely known person. One of the first people I thought of was President Obama. I told my parents and I started to work on the letter. In the letter to President Obama, I included many things. First, I talked about how breathtaking the pieces were. Then, I asked him if he could come to the gallery my dad had put together to see each piece in person. And lastly, I asked him if he could send me a picture of his own dog, Bo, so we could have it embroidered for him and he could have his own piece for his family.

After around three months, I received an envelope that was signed from the White House. In the envelope, I found a letter from President Obama and a picture of his dog, Bo. I was so shocked to see the letter and picture that I did not want to let it go.

Eventually, I gave my dad the picture and he sent it to China to get it embroidered. When we got it sent back, finished and ready, my dad framed the picture. The outcome was amazing. Every little detail was covered and at first, I thought it was just an enlarged picture instead of an embroidered piece. After sending the piece to President Obama, The First Family sent a final letter, thanking my family for the art piece.


“Thank you so much for your generous gift to our family. The beautiful painting of Bo was such a nice gesture, and I hope you know how much I appreciate your thoughtfulness.”

-Michelle Obama-

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