回国签证 轻松搞定

作者: Admin

We provide you with solutions to obtaining visas to China

往返领馆费时费力        Don’t need spend hours waiting in line

找路麻烦停车超难        Say NO to expensive downtown Chicago parking

填表交表十分纠结        No more confusing instructions to follow

领证取证再跑一趟        Why drive a second roundtrip to pick it up

Let us help you out to obtain a visa to China

让China Visa Solutions来帮忙

China Visa Solutions at Chicago now team up with Asian American Today to help you with China visa applications. Just drop it off at Asian American Today, we will help you to submit your application to Chinese Consulate General at Chicago, and will mail your passport back to Asian American Today once it is approved.

China Visa Solutions与亚美导报合作,帮助广大同胞办理去中国签证。印州时报代收护照、申请表等相关资料,我们帮你递交签证申请表,获批后寄回时报等您来取。为您省下时间、精力和金钱。小事我们来做,您忙更重要的事。

SERVICE FEE STARTS AT $29/PASSPORT (consulate fee extra)

每本护照手续费从$29/本起 (签证费另付)

China visa is the only thing we do… for years!


答疑热线 312-752-0991

网址 www.bestchinavisa.com


Kevin Sun(317-354-6462)

Wendy Lee (317-213-5825)

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