Happy Chinese New Year!

作者: admin

Happy Chinese New Year!
It gives me great pleasure to bring you greetings for the Chinese New Year, the year of the Snake.
We are so pleased to have such a strong Chinese community in Indianapolis. From the many Chinese who work in our local businesses, to the entrepreneurs who have started their own business or restaurants, to the many Chinese students who study in our universities, we welcome all of you to the Indianapolis community.
I am proud to have started the annual Chinese Festival. In 2013, we will celebrate the 6th annual festival which has grown into one of the city’s largest festivals, attracting residents from all backgrounds who desire to learn the culture, customs and cuisine of China and the Chinese.
Each year we are pleased to host several delegations from China, including delegations from our Sister City Hangzhou. I’m pleased through the Sister City program that we have started several exchanges with China including librarians and educators. I look forward to growing these exchanges with China in the future to allow our citizens to experience these life changing opportunities to learn first-hand about their vocation in another culture; moreover to showcase Indianapolis and what our entire city has to offer to our Chinese visitors.
Thank you for your strong contributions you make Indianapolis such a culturally vibrant city. We look forward to celebrating not only Chinese New Year, but many other events and activities within the Chinese Community in 2013.
(Chinese Symbol for Happy New Year)
Mayor Gregory A. Ballard

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