(English) Teen Volunteer Opportunities

作者: Admin

You are Welcome at the Carmel Clay Public Library
The library is a welcoming community resource, open to residents and visitors
alike. All residents and/or property taxpayers in Clay Township are eligible for a Carmel Clay Public Library card. Bring a photo ID with your current address
in Carmel or Clay Township to the checkout desk at the library. If your photo ID does not have your current address, bring a current utility bill (or similar
bill) in addition. You will be asked to complete a library card application, and will then be issued a card. Students may present a student ID or driver’s license. Children under 12 require a parent’s signature.
Free internet access is provided through the library’s computers, and wireless
access is available throughout the building at no charge for those who wish to bring their own computer.
The library is open seven days a week throughout the year. The library also features a coffee shop and a bookstore that sells gently used books donated by the community. Quiet study rooms are available for groups and individuals.
The library’s website features numerous resources for people of all ages, and allows patrons to manage their own library account, access the online catalog, search databases, check the library event calendar, find book reviews and much more! Log on at www.carmel.lib.in.us.
Teen Volunteer Opportunities
Interested in volunteering at the Carmel Clay Public Library? Join the Teen Volunteer Corps! The Teen Volunteer Corps is for teens in 6 – 12 grade. Teen volunteers are a very important part of the Carmel Clay Public Library. The library uses teen volunteers in a variety of activities and for many different programs.
To join the Teen Volunteer Corps, you must fill out a Teen Volunteer Corps Application. Pick one up at the Young Adult Services desk on the 2nd floor of the library. The application requires a parent’s signature and the name of another adult reference.
If you have been accepted as a teen volunteer, you may begin volunteering at the library. You will be added to our mailing list and will receive the Teen Volunteer Corps letter once a month that lists all the volunteer opportunities for the upcoming month. You are welcome to volunteer for any opportunity that fits your interests and schedule as long as it has not already been filled by another teen volunteer. From month to month the library’s volunteer needs vary. We can not guarantee all teens who are interested will be able to volunteer each month. We also can not guarantee a certain number of volunteer hours for any volunteer. Please come in and check the Teen Volunteer Corps Sign-In Notebook to see what volunteer opportunities are currently available. Check out This Month’s Volunteer Opportunities.

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