Asia News

作者: admin

The governor of Tokyo, Shintato Ishihara, says that the governmental body of Tokyo expects to close a deal with the private owner (a Japanese citizen) of the Senkaku Islands to buy them. These are the islands in dispute between the governments of Japan and China who both claim them, but Japan currently controls them. . China calls them the Diaoyu Islands. Taiwan also lays claim to them.
The captain of a Chinese fishing boat that collided with 2 Japanese Coast Guard vessels near the islands last September was detained by Japan which created additional strains between the 2 governments. If the purchase of the uninhabited islands takes place it will strengthen Japan’s claim. China feels they have been traditional Chinese territory since ancient times. The Toyo Assembly has yet to give its approval to the deal.


On Thursday, Myanmar and the new state of South Sudan were admitted into the Inter Parliamentary Union or IPU. South Sudan was admitted because it is a new state; while Myanmar’s recent democratic elections paved the way to its entry.
Because the parliamentary governments of both countries are new and inexperienced, the IPU will be sending members of parliament from Sweden, India, France, Australia and Thailand to help the two new members assess their situations and help them. The 2 new additions bring the IPU’s membership to 162 countries. It is hoped that this move will help reinforce Myanmar’s moves towards democratic freedoms.


Kim Jong On’s 20 minute speech in the central plaza of Pyongyong last Sunday was the highlight of a 2 hour ceremony celebrating the 100th anniversary of his grandfather, Kim II Sung’s birth. It was also his 1st public speech. He emphasized the importance of maintaining the military budget as the most essential part of the North Korean economy and that they must continue their quest to unify the Korean peninsula under the North’s rule. He concluded his speech saying “Let us move forward to the final victory.”

The speech came after the failed launch of a long range rocket on Friday. The rocket flew for less than 2 minutes before it broke up. The controversial launch drew criticism from the West even though it turned out to be a total failure. Over the weekend the U.S. reacted to it by announcing that it would cancel plans for food assistance to the North.


This week, India announce plans to conduct a maiden flight test of its longest range nuclear-capable missile, the Agni V. It has a range of over 3,000 miles. They conducted a test of an Agni rocket that could travel over 2,000 miles. Agni means fire in Hindi.

India insists that it their policy is strictly deterrent and is a “no-first-use” policy. India is one of only 5 members of the UN Security Council with level of expertise in building such missiles.

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