(English) Don’t Leave the iphone Charger In the Car

作者: Admin

As some of you may know, we had a pretty scary incident recently. Attached are pictures of what remains of our 2007 Suburban. We are all okay but I wanted to warn everyone not to make the same mistake I did. This fire resulted from leaving an iPhone charger/docking station
plugged into the car outlet. It overheated and started a fire, while parked in our garage. PLEASE unplug anything you have in your car outlets once you turn off your car!
We were VERY fortunate that we found the fire, at 11pm, before going to bed and before it spread to the house. None of our garage heat detectors or house fire alarms went off (another item to take care of on my “to do” list). Feel free to pass this along to anyone you want. Better safe than sorry.

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