Happy 2014 Chinese New Year

作者: admin

It is my pleasure to send you greetings for the New Year to the many Chinese-Americans throughout Indianapolis.
We are proud of the strong Chinese community we have here in Indianapolis. Each day, our Chinese residents make a strong impact on our society through their contributions in the workplace, education institutions and volunteer efforts. Our Chinese community brings a strong and rich culture to our city by organizing many events, starting with Chinese New Year. I am excited to celebrate the Year of the Horse and hope this year will bring you much happiness and prosperity.
Indianapolis is a global city. We strive to make real connections with cities around the world. One accomplishment I am most proud of is establishing the Sister City relationship with Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province in 2008. Since establishing the partnership we have had librarian exchanges, a partnership established between Perry Township Schools and XiaCheng School District and other cultural and educational initiatives.
I am pleased to report that the “Taste of Indianapolis” exhibition, which the Indianapolis-Hangzhou Sister City Committee, led by President, Sherry Dong, created for the Hangzhou Public Library in October 2013 to promote the city of Indianapolis to Hangzhou residents has been selected for a Most Innovative Award by Sister Cities International. The award will be presented at the U.S.-China Sister Cities International Conference in Washington D.C. on March 27th, 2014.
Please save the date of Saturday, September 27th for the 7th Annual Chinese Festival along. I am proud to join many local Chinese organizations to present this special event. We will take this occasion to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Confucius Institute in Indianapolis. I am grateful that we have this fine institution in our city. The Confucius Institute has been a significant supporter to promote Chinese culture in Indianapolis. I hope to see you there.

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