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Tony Tan

To be honest, I am not sure myself of how I came to be known as Tony. My best guess is that when my family moved to the United States a little more than 11 years ago, my parents wanted to help me fit in, to mitigate the foreign environment that would nurture my future. Though my name may not have played a large role in where I stand today, I owe it to my parents for bringing me to this point, as I would have never imagined a decade ago that an ENL student enrolled in the Indianapolis Public Schools system could become a member of Carmel High School’s top scholars.
I guess that is one of the perks of attending Carmel though. Perhaps commensurate with my parents’ guidance, the influence of my peers has largely shaped me. By surrounding myself with all the bright and talented people here – there are lots, I assure you – I have found one of my main sources of motivation and inspiration. After my transition to Carmel from the intercity schools, my middle school years were characterized by not only a sub-par academic record, but also a tactless personality. I was constantly tired of being inferior at everything, coupled with residue I still faced from the struggles of moving to America. But the people around me changed me. The presence of greatness here is certainly something I cherish and would miss. Nevertheless, every rose has its thorns. By constantly looking up to others, you risk your own self confidence. It is easy to lose sight of yourself and your own accomplishments; be wary not to evaluate your self-worth based on others.
People often ask this question about regret: “If you could go back in time and fix any mistake, what would you fix and why?” The way I look at it, the answer would be none. It isn’t because my record is perfect – that would be far from the truth – but rather the fact that if I were to avoid each fault, I would have no way of preventing myself from making the same mistake again. People don’t improve themselves through evaluating their successes. Failure is one of the most valuable teachers. Although the concept is trite, ideas as such are cliché for a reason: they are undeniably, repeatedly true. For those leaving next year, don’t mire yourself in the past. For those with years still to go, a mistake isn’t the end of the world.

Humphrey Lin

My name is Humphrey Lin, and in the past four years that I’ve at Carmel High School, I’ve gotten to know many people, and have had all kinds of experiences, ones both good and bad. The two groups of people that I would like to thank the most are my teachers and my friends. Carmel High School, being one of the most successful and rigorous schools in the state of Indiana, has attracted talented educators and students alike. I believe that my successes in school and in my daily life are largely due to their positive influences. Some of the outstanding teachers that I’ve had the opportunity to study under include Mrs. Mitchener, Mr. James, Mr. Bates, Mrs. Richmond, Mr. Han, and Mr. Ellery. Each of these teachers has in some way nurtured and supported my love of learning and discovery, allowing me not only to achieve in the short-run, but also building up in me a mentality that will lead to future successes. My fellow students have always been encouraging and also challenging to me. The ones who did better than me, I always hoped to match or beat. It was this sort of competition that drove me to work harder and harder, but it never got in the way of our friendships, either. Many of them are wonderful, understanding people, always fun to be around.

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