Heritage Writing Contest

作者: admin

Deadline for Submission: Monday, April 22, 2013
Prizes: The first place winner will receive an iPad and trophy and 2 runner-ups will each receive a digital reader. Brief awards and reception will be held at the ACC on May 3 at 5 pm.
Essay topic: The theme for the Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage month this year is “Examining the Meanings of Home.” What do you consider home? How would you define home (e.g. a physical place, a person, an experience, etc)? All human beings, regardless of race and ethnicity, need to find a sense of belonging in their community and/or surroundings. Answer the questions above while connecting it to a personal experience of your own or of someone you know.
How to submit: Each entry should have two title pages: the first should include the title, author’s name, permanent address, phone number, email address, and include: “Asian Pacific American Heritage Essay Contest.” The second title page should include the title only. The author’s name should not appear on the manuscript except on the first title page. All submissions should use a 12-point size in Times New Roman. It must be double-spaced and should not exceed 1,000 words. You may submit your entry by mail to ACC, 807 E. 10th Street, Bloomington, IN 47405, fax to (812) 856-5030, or email your entry in PDF format via acc@indiana.edu

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