
作者: Admin


王老师全说的对。中国的父母总会说别人的孩子比你好。他们感觉他们自己的孩子是最不好的。我的妈妈也是这样子。“看啊,那个人弹的钢琴比你好,快去练习三个小时!”我们可以跟别人比,可是他们有时侯并不见得比我们好或是坏。我们要做我们自己的。生病时候要看医生,孩子伤心的时候要能跟父母说。有时候我们害怕跟父母讲, 可是我们需要帮忙,一定需要说出来才好。希望父母能理解我们。

I Agree with My Teacher
I agree with my teacher about the four main points of teens, including teen depression and how to stop it. I especially agree with the last one, like how your interests are your best motivations. For example, math, it motivates me because I think it’s interesting. Also comparing to others can be upsetting, so I agree.

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