
作者: Admin

Chinese calligraphy is a culture treasure that is passed from generation to generation. It is comparable to painting in its ability to evoke emotion through a rich variety of form and design. It is a written language. There are five basic styles– Chuan Shu 篆书 ;Li Shu 隶书 K’ai Shu 楷书 Hsing Shu 行书 and T’s’ao Shu 草书
Chinese calligraphy is not only a practical tool of everyday living it comprises,
along with Chinese painting, the mainstream of China’s art history. Today, as in the past, calligraphers are often literati as well as artists. Their calligraphy art works may include of their own poems, lyrics, couplets, letters or those of famous masters.
Calligraphy can bring physical and spiritual benefits to practitioner, can train one in discipline, patient, and other fine personality. In Chinese culture, society as a whole placed great importance on calligraphy. (Photos see PDF file)

Ling, Shao-su 凌绍祖 (1905-1998) Legislator, educator, newspaper publisher, poet and artist. With his work exhibited and collected in museums
in Asia and Europe, Ling, Shao-su is one of the premier calligraphers in Modern Era of China. Professor Yu-long Ling is the proud son of Mater
Ling. The material printed in this section is provided by Ling’s family.

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